Francine Lizotte, the founder of Club Foody, has been experimenting with recipes since she was a child. She created the website to share her love of cooking and provide a resource for those who want to expand their culinary skills. Francine’s approach to cooking emphasizes the use of fresh, high-quality ingredients and the importance of presentation. She has a diploma in professional cooking and experience working in the food industry.
During an interview with, she shares her food journey since childhood, and her preferences for extensive culinary background with a vast array of flavors and ingredients. Lizotte’s favorite kitchen tool is a garlic press, and she recommends mastering knife skills and understanding flavors for beginner cooks.
She uses a variety of cooking methods and techniques in her recipes and begins the cooking process with the idea of combining tasty ingredients together. She hopes to inspire people with their passion for cooking and encourage them to try new things. And, Her advice for improving cooking skills is to be patient and keep practicing.
Read our exclusive interview with Francine Lizotte now!

What follows is an interesting interview with the Cooking influencer.
1. Please tell us a little about yourself and how you got into cooking
I’m French Canadian originally from Montréal. Even at a young age, I’ve always enjoyed food probably because both of my parents were home cooks and liked to diversify their menu.
Besides Quebecois and French food, they also experimented with other cuisines like Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, British, Asian, and so on. In my early 20s’, one of my hobbies was trying other cultures cuisines.
Every month, a friend of mine and I were choosing a different ethnic restaurant from the yellow pages. This is when I discovered Turkish, Indian, Ethiopian, Vietnamese, Russian, South American, etc.
2. What are your favorite types of recipes to create and share, and why?
Since my background in the culinary world has been so extensive, I enjoy creating all types of recipes with a vast array of ingredients and flavors. I don’t have an absolute favorite “type of recipes” per se. As long as I let my imagination guide me, I enjoy putting ingredients together and creating new recipes.
3. What is your favorite type of cuisine to cook and why?
I really don’t have a favorite cuisine because I get bored eating the same thing over and over again. I can make 4 to 6 different types of cuisine per week depending on how I feel or what I have on hand. How could someone limit their taste buds to one specific cuisine when there’s an unlimited range of gorgeous dishes to choose from!
4. What is your favorite kitchen tool or gadget?
Garlic press… I detest slicing, mincing, or chopping garlic!
5. Can you share any cooking tips or techniques that you think are important for beginners to know?
For beginner cooks, the most important thing to know is no one can be a good chef without learning the basics first including terminology used in the kitchen (simmer, boil, blanch, etc.). Know how to cook an egg, pasta, casseroles, etc.
Mastering knife skills and understanding flavors. Slowly starting to make sauces and eventually experimenting more in the kitchen. New recipes seldom work out just right the first time but by playing with the ingredients, beginners eventually learn how to become better cooks.
6. Can you talk about any unique cooking methods or techniques that you use in your recipes?
I use a wide variety of cooking methods and techniques in my recipes.
7. Can you walk us through your cooking process, from selecting ingredients to plating the finished dish?
Unless the dish is a classic, it all starts from an idea… a desire of combining tasty ingredients together. After evaluating, analysing, and writing, I begin the process; chopping, measuring, timing, tasting and along the way, most of the time, I readjust it until I get my final product.
If I’m happy with the end results, I plate, grab my camera, and take pictures before adding it to my list of future recipes for Club Foody.
8. What is your favorite dish to cook for friends and family?
I’ve been doing that since I was a young adult… I always serve something I never made before! It can be an appetizer, main course, or a dessert. I stress my husband every time we have guests over… I think it makes the dinner more “interesting” for me and I keep him on his toes, lol!
9. How do you manage to balance the flavors and textures in your recipes?
Experience is the first key! Practice makes perfect! The more recipes you make, the better cook you become. I also trust my taste buds and my nose to fine tune recipes.
10. What do you hope people take away from your blog, and how do you want to inspire them in the kitchen?
My passion for cooking! When people have tried my recipes and get back to me saying how much they enjoyed them, that makes me really happy! It also makes me feel privileged that I was somehow a part of their kitchen!
They trusted me, trusted my recipes and that’s a big deal! From my wide range of recipes, I like I it when someone goes beyond mine and creates recipes of their own… that’s awesome!
11. What advice would you give to someone who wants to improve their cooking skills?
Be patient… Rome wasn’t built in a day! It took me over 40 years to be at the point where I am today. Every Tuesday and Thursday, I post new recipes including a monthly kitchen tips & trick and after publishing over 750 recipes and nearly 100 kitchen tips & tricks on Club Foody, I still enjoy challenging myself in the kitchen creating new recipes.
Francine Lizotte’s passion for cooking and dedication to sharing her knowledge have resulted in the creation of Club Foody, a valuable resource for culinary enthusiasts. With her emphasis on fresh ingredients and presentation, Francine has honed her skills through extensive culinary training and experience in the food industry.
Furthermore, Lizotte’s commitment to sharing her love of cooking and inspiring others to try new things is truly admirable, and her contributions to the culinary world are invaluable.
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