Those who have stopped by the Midwest, Kentucky, or Tennessee would have stumbled upon the delicious White Castle burgers. Although fresh White Castle sliders are rare, you can grab some of their frozen sliders in groceries nationwide. The question is, do you microwave White Castle burgers in plastic?
According to the instructions in the box, you microwave White Castle burgers in plastic. However, you have to open one end of the package, then separate the burgers. You only need to microwave them for around 1 minute or so before they’re ready.
If you are getting the frozen White Castle sliders from the supermarket, the instructions recommend fully thawing them before heating them up. If you microwave them while frozen, you might need to add a few more seconds in the microwave to ensure that the burger is properly heated.
Many people have also found other ways to enjoy White Castle burgers. You can also remove them from the plastic and prepare them with damp paper towels before microwaving them in. This has the same results as following the instructions in the box.
Should I Remove White Castle Burgers from the Plastic?
If you check the box, White Castle recommends that you keep the White Castle sliders inside the package. However, they say that you should open at least one side of the package, or else the package may pop inside the microwave.
The possible reason for keeping the plastic may be to replicate the steaming method that fresh White Castle burgers are cooked with. White Castle burgers are actually not grilled, but rather steamed. This cooking technique, paired with their iconic holed patties, gives their burgers their distinct delicious taste.
With the burgers still inside the package, microwaving them may create and trap the necessary steam from the heated patties that recreate the actual method that they are cooked in. If you remove them from the plastic, there is a high chance that your buns will end up drier than usual.
What is the Best Way to Heat Up Frozen White Castle Burgers?
After understanding how steamed White Castle burgers are cooked, many people over the Internet have also made their own spin that attempts to capture the fresh burger taste.
Despite the instructions saying to keep the burgers inside the plastic, many have commented that you can remove them from the package. However, to prevent them from drying inside the microwave, you need to wrap them individually in a damp paper towel.
This achieves the same results as keeping the burgers inside the plastic, and some say that it even makes them taste better. This is also great if you don’t feel comfortable heating up your burgers together in plastic.
White Castle burgers are amazing delicacies that most people cannot unfortunately get fresh. With their sparse physical stores, most are left with buying the frozen White Castle sliders to help satisfy their cravings. How do you enjoy these frozen burgers? Well, it seems like microwaving them in plastic will do the job just well.