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    Thermapen Mk4 Vs Classic (Which One Should You Choose)

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    The thermapen range of thermometers is undeniably the most raved about kitchen thermometers on the market. They have received stellar reviews from celebrity chefs and home cooks alike. The line was initially introduced in the 90s and has since become the gold standard when it comes to kitchen thermometers. If you’re looking to buy a kitchen thermometer, you are probably stuck on the comparisons between thermapen mk4 vs classic and wondering which one to choose. To answer your question:

    Both the Thermapen mk4 and classic are great additions to your kitchen. The mk4 is an improvement on the thermapen classic featuring exemplary features like a rotating and backlit display and AAA batteries. When choosing a thermometer to fit your home, it is essential to consider how you intend to use your thermometer and your budget.

     Although some chefs are bent on clinging to the traditional way of testing for readiness, the need for a reliable thermometer in your kitchen cabinet cannot be downplayed.

    This is especially true for home cooks that experiment with baking, making candy, chocolate, and frequent barbeques with friends. In this article, we break down the thermapen mk4 and classic and help you decide which thermometer may be suitable for your home.

    What is the Thermapen?

    Thermapen by Thermoworks is the most renowned kitchen thermometer promising instant and accurate readings. The thermapen was initially created in 1992 as an industrial and laboratory-grade thermometer by Peter Webb and his company ETI Limited. On seeing the thermometer’s potential, Thermoworks’s CEO Randy Owen joined the team and began marketing the thermometer to the commercial food market and eventually broke into the home kitchen thermometers niche. 

    ThermoWorks eventually partnered with Peter Webb to revolutionize the home cooks’ experience with kitchen thermometers introducing the fast probe tip which cut the reading time by half. Thermoworks continues to improve on their designs and reading times making them long-lasting players in the industry.

    What Sets Thermapen Apart From Other Competitors?

    Thermapen has always stood out from other market players due to the incorporation of a thermocouple sensor and instrument-grade construction circuitry which facilitates fast reading times. This sets the thermometer range apart as most market players incorporate the cheaper thermistor sensor that takes longer to change temperatures. 

    A thermocouple is made by welding together two special alloy metal wires at the tip which produces a voltage on recording temperature changes. This voltage is in turn measured by a sensitive instrument that captures the voltage movement down to detail and records the temperature at the junction of the thermocouple circuit.

    Once this data is obtained, a proprietary software converts the readings with external factors being considered and displays a temperature reading.

    thermapen mk4 vs classic

    Thermapen Classic

    The Thermapen Classic was created to improve the original thermapen, known for introducing the now popular stainless steel probe. The classic takes an average of 4.2 seconds to achieve stability with the initial reading being close to the final reading. The thermometer achieved widespread commercial success due to its fast reading time and sleek design.


    • Slim probe tip
    • Ergonomic rubber seal
    • Splash proof
    • Auto-off after 10 minutes
    • Powered by two lithium cell batteries


    • Instant readings
    • Auto-off feature


    • Runs on a lithium cell battery
    • No auto-rotate the screen
    • No backlit display

    Thermapen Mk4

    On seeing the market success of its predecessor the classic, ThermoWorks released the Mk4 introducing an even faster reading time of 3.2 seconds and a unique backlit and auto-rotating display.


    • Slim tip probe
    • Automatic rotation display
    • Backlit display
    • Auto on and off
    • Turns on when picked 
    • Waterproof
    • It is operable with both hands


    • Improved reading times
    • Rotating display
    • Uses AAA battery
    • Longer battery life


    • Has a hard-to-access battery compartment

    Similarities Between the Thermapen Classic and Mk4

    The thermapen may be famous for constantly upgrading their thermometers to meet market demand; however, they retain consumers’ favorite features even within their upgrades. Here are a few similarities between the thermometers:

    They Are Equipped With a Fast Probe Foldable Slim Tip

    The thermapen thermometers were among the first market players to feature the convenient slim probe tip that has been maintained across all their upgrades.

    The Type K steel probe is measured at about 4.3 inches allowing enough length to reach the center of the dish being prepared. The step-down design also facilitates as many temperature checks across all angles without loss of moisture which is a plus when you’re out on the grill.

    They Are Fast and Reliable Measurements

    Due to the thermocouple Type K probe incorporated in the build of both the classic and Mk4, both these thermometers are extremely accurate with fast reading times.

    The thermapen classic and mk4 have been raved about for providing an accuracy of within .7℉. The mk4 beats the classic with 3 second reading time however they are both on the faster side when compared to other thermometers currently on the market

    They Incorporate Biomaster Antimicrobial Technology

    As the thermapen thermometers are created for use in kitchens, there is a high risk of contamination or cross-contamination when used around multiple dishes. To counteract the threat, a silver-based antibacterial additive is added during the manufacturing process to minimize the risk of bacterial growth on the thermometer.

    Differences Between the Thermapen Classic and Mk4

    Despite the similarity in build and functionality, the thermapen classic and mk4 have notable differences as the latter was created based on reviews of clients and market research


    To improve the user experience of the Mk4, the thermometer comes equipped with a backlit display to enhance visibility.

    It also has a rotating display that allows you to read your temperature from four different directions which allows users to comfortably use the thermometer regardless of the hand they used to pick. These features are absent in the classic as it has a one-way display and no backlights.

    Batteries and Battery Life

    The Classic comes equipped with two cell batteries while the Mk4 uses a single AAA battery that is readily available in most households.

    The Mk4 also features an instant auto on and off feature that immediately turns the thermometer on when picked up and off when it is idle. This feature significantly improves its battery life in comparison to the classic which only turns off after a while of being unused.  

    Water Sensitivity

    The Thermapen classic is rated splash proof which means it can withstand accidental splashes when cooking and a quick wipe down before storage. The Mk4 however was improved to be waterproof with a rating of IP67 making it completely safe to clean your thermometer in running water before storage. 


    Choosing a thermometer that works best for your kitchen comes down to the budget you have in mind and the functionality you require from your thermometer. Choosing between the Thermapen Classic and Mk4 can be even more challenging as they are both extremely capable thermometers.

    While the MK4 is much faster and features a lot of impressive additional perks, it is more costly than the Classic. Nonetheless, now that you have narrowed down the differences you are better placed to choose one that will fit right into your home’s recipes. Head on over to your kitchen supply store and upgrade your kitchen experience with either of these thermometers.

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