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    Can You Microwave a Peeled Hard Boiled Egg?

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    Can You Microwave a Peeled Hard Boiled Egg?

    There are a lot of myths surrounding microwaving boiled eggs. Some people say that you can’t microwave them at all, while others claim that you can only microwave them without the shells.

    Can you microwave hard-boiled eggs?
    Yes, you can microwave hard-boiled eggs. Microwaving hard-boiled eggs leads them to burst when people just microwave the entire egg. You can microwave the hard-boiled egg after cutting it in half to allow for breathing air.

    There are a lot of methods out there on how to do this, but not all of them are created equal. It’s important to answer a few of the most common myths and questions around boiling and microwaving eggs.

    In this article, we’ll answer all your questions and give you some tips on how to get perfect hard-boiled eggs every time!

    What Happens When You Microwave Boiled Eggs?

    People often face a few challenges when trying to microwave-boiled eggs. For one, the eggs can easily explode in the microwave if not done properly.

    Secondly, the yolk and egg whites can become overcooked or dry if microwaved for too long.

    Finally, reheating hard-boiled eggs in the microwave can sometimes make them rubbery or tough.

    Process of Microwaving Peeled Hard-boiled Eggs

    If you are not familiar with a traditional stove, you can use microwaves even for your boiled eggs. It can also be considered beneficial because it saves time, takes less effort to do.

    You will also have the same results as boiling them on a stovetop. All you need is Microwave, a microwavable bowl, and eggs.

    • When you are thinking of microwaving boiled eggs and specifically hard-boiled eggs then it’s better to be without the shell
    • Arrange boiled eggs in a microwave-safe dish and cover with water until the eggs are completely covered.
    • In a microwave-safe bowl, heat the eggs for 1 minute at medium power.
    • Microwave the egg in 1-minute intervals until it reaches your desired temperature.

    Some tips you must follow before putting your hard-boiled egg in the microwave:

    • To provide for extra breathing room, cut the egg in half.
    • Before putting your boiled egg in the microwave, remove the shell. This will allow the egg to breathe and prevent pressure from building up behind the hard external layer.
    • You can set the timer for 15-20 seconds for 1 egg. You can usually heat 8-10 eggs for 90 seconds at a time on a plate.

    Regular Way of Preparing Hard-boiled Eggs

    Talking about how to make a hard-boiled egg? Then it is one of the easiest things to cook. It can be done by anyone and anywhere even if you are traveling.

    And if you are a beginner in cooking, fear not, you are starting with the simplest cooking methods. The standard technique for making hard-boiled eggs: 

    • Place the uncooked eggs in a pot and cover them with cold water.
    • Then bring the pot of uncovered eggs to a full, rolling boil on high heat. 
    • Once boiling begins, let the eggs cook for exactly one minute then remove them from heat and put them in ice-cold water.
    • After they are chilled, remove the shells and enjoy your eggs!

    There is a little secret to making boiled eggs that turn out perfect every time: boiling them for exactly one minute.

    If you boil them any longer than that, they will become overcooked and chalky-tasting. And if you don’t boil them for long enough, they will be runny and undercooked.

    Reheating Hard-boiled Eggs in the Microwave Can Cause Explosion

    Reheating your boiled eggs is not usually sensible because of the risk of explosion. When you poke the reheated peeled egg with a fork after taking it out of the microwave, or when you take a bite, it can explode in your mouth.

    The egg yolk creates multiple microscopic pockets of steam due to the high quantity of water molecules trapped inside the membrane, resulting in an unstable pressure state.

    If an internal or external stimulus interacts with the egg, the little pockets of bubbles boil and eventually break.

    If you need to reheat your cooked eggs, put them in a heatproof bowl and cover them with water.

    Allow the eggs to sit in the boiling water for 10 minutes before removing them and discarding the liquid.

    It Is Safe to Eat a Microwaved Hard-boiled Egg

    There is some debate over whether or not it is safe to eat a microwaved hard-boiled egg.

    However, the Food and Drug Administration has stated that it is safe to microwave hard-boiled eggs. In fact, they even recommend microwaving them, as it can help prevent the yolk from turning green.

    The only thing you need to be careful of is that they do not explode. Microwaves are designed with a safety mechanism that stops the machine from continuing to run when this happens.

    However, if you leave the egg in for too long, or if you do not poke a hole in it before microwaving it, you may have an exploding mess on your hands.


    So, here you have it! Microwaving hard-boiled eggs would be a great way to quickly and easily reheat them without any fuss or mess.

    Just be sure not to microwave them with the shells on, as this can cause the eggs to explode.

    Or you can always switch to the regular way if you have any doubts about microwaving them. Either way, you can enjoy your freshly done hard-boiled eggs.

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