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    How Many Stoney Patch Should I Eat?

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    How Many Stoney Patch Should I Eat?

    Begin with two gummies and gradually increase after an hour to see how you respond. Everyone is different, and everyone’s tolerance levels are different from yours. Begin slowly and gradually increase your speed. Stoney Patch gummies work and hit hard once the THC hits your bloodstream, so keep that in mind.

    It’s very simple to get carried away while chomping on Stoney Patch gummies, so we strongly suggest you exercise caution when doing so.

    If you’re wondering how many stoney patch you should eat to get high and what happens if you eat more than the recommended amount, you’ve come to the right place!

    Recommended Dose of Stoney Patch

    For first-time users, it is recommended to start with 2.5mg, wait for 2 hours, and see how you feel. But if you want to start off with a stronger effect, then start with 2 gummies.

    If you don’t feel the effects after an hour, slowly increase the dosage until you find your sweet spot. Remember, everyone’s tolerance levels are different, so take it slow!

    Most people recommend having 2 gummies for a pack of 10. If you haven’t felt anything after 1.5 hours, try two more. Do not repeat on the same day. If you don’t feel it the first time, try 3–4 again.

    If you’re still not feeling it after 1.5 hours, eat no more than twice more. You should avoid eating too many of these because you never know how they will affect you. If it hits you strongly, relax and appreciate it.

    At large dosages, it’s as if your mind turns on a flashlight and begins destroying you like a stand-up comedian at your own roast, assuming you still have a conscience.

    Determine the amount per gummy; you should test 3–5 mg maximum the first time, thus start with 1/3 to 1/2 of a 10mg candy. Start with a quarter if you have a low tolerance for most things.

    They would begin with a minimum effective dosage to examine the effects, just like most pharmaceuticals that even a doctor would prescribe. It’s highly nice in any context at low doses, and it’s even more enjoyable at high doses.

    Many people use it twice a day in low doses as an antidepressant.

    If you are not a first-timer, and you know your way around edibles, start with however many gummies you feel comfortable with. From there, you can always eat more if you don’t feel the effects.

    Chronic users with high tolerances will typically consume no more than 100-200mg at a time. Sometimes mild effects last until the next evening, despite being someone who sobers from THC very quickly when smoked.

    Maximum Dosage for Stoney Patch

    The recommended maximum dosage for Stoney Patch is 20 pieces per day. However, some people may experience digestive issues when consuming this amount. If you experience any discomfort, reduce your dosage to 15 pieces per day.

    But it is also important to say that you need to be used to having stoney patch and have a high tolerance level.

    Overdosing on Stoney Patch

    If you eat more than the recommended dose, the effects will be stronger and last longer. You may also experience some common side effects, such as:

    • Increased heart rate
    • Dry mouth
    • Red eyes
    • Dizziness
    • Paranoia
    • Anxiety
    • Panic attacks
    • Disoriented

    Some people who overdose feel high from 3 days till up to a week depending on the dose.

    Most people feel the effects from eating stoney patch within 30 minutes to an hour. The high can last up to 12 hours for some people, while others may only feel the effects for a few hours.

    It’s important to know how your body reacts to stoney patch before consuming large quantities.

    Eating too many Stoney Patch gummies can be a very unpleasant experience. It is recommended that you start slow and increase your dosage gradually.

    If you do experience any negative side effects, just remember that they will eventually subside and you will be back to normal.

    Factors That Affect the Recommended Dose of Stoney Patch

    How many stoney patch one should eat also depend on various other factors like:

    • The tolerance level of an individual.
    • Making of the edibles.
    • Amount of THC present in each gummy.
    • Amount of CBD is present.
    • The recommended dose also changes if the person is a first time user or has been using it for a while now.
    • The weight of a person is also an important factor to be considered while deciding how many stoney patch one should eat.
    • Age of the person consuming it.
    • The metabolism of the person consuming it.
    • The reason for which the person is consuming it.
    • These are some of the important factors that affect how many stoney patch one should eat.

    How to Eat Stoney Patch?

    If you have gummies, it is preferable to eat them. Although there are marijuana tinctures available for sublingual (Held under the tongue till absorbed into blood vessels) consumption.

    They can have a substantially faster effect than taking it orally (only eaten), and may even cause you to feel more euphoric than edibles.

    I’m not sure if the tinctures are designed specifically for sublingual administration, but there certainly appear to be some advantages to this method of ingestion.


    Stoney Patch is a popular cannabis-infused gummy that is known for its potent effects, containing 100-500mg of THC per package. They come in a variety of flavors, such as green apple, watermelon, and blueberry.

    While the average person may enjoy one to two pieces, those new to cannabis should start with just half of a Stoney Patch to be extra safe. From there, you can always eat more if you feel like you can handle it!

    Remember to always start slow and listen to your body when consuming any new cannabis product.

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